Union of body and mind

Although this day is known as the beginning of summer, June 21 is also the INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY.

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice of ancient tradition, which originated in India. The word "yoga" means unity because it symbolizes the union of body and mind.
Although many of you who read this know what I'm talking about, this day was created to raise awareness of the benefits of practicing this sport.

We wanted to celebrate it by organizing some great classes of one of the variants of yoga called "Gyrokinesis" and is defined as a new way of understanding the body and its possibilities.
The place for the celebration was unbeatable. Madrid, 8:30 in the morning and the terrace of Notabene, accompanied by a magnificent temperature. The teacher of the event is Lasai Estudio, who has made us fall in love with her new way of working.
We leave you a preview of how it turned out. Soon we will tell you more in detail.

Today we want to take this opportunity to thank you for your affection towards us, without you none of this would be possible.
In the meantime... Congratulations to all of you who understand yoga as a way of life!