Article 1. Purpose of the Sweepstakes

The present sweepstakes (the"Sweepstakes"), held on the occasion of Born Living Yoga's anniversary, will consist of the delivery of round-trip airline tickets to Costa Rica for two (2) persons (the "Flightsgift cards (the "Gift Cards"(all of which are collectively referred to as the "PrizesTerms and Conditions

Article 2. Organizer

CONEXIONBORN, S.L, with N.I.F. number B-87840195, and address at calle Saturno 1, Los Horcajos, Pozuelo de Alarcón, C.P. 28224, Madrid, Spain (hereinafter, "BORN"Organizer"), organizes this Sweepstakes.

Article 3. Scope of participation

The Sweepstakes will be conducted among Instagram users who participate in the Sweepstakes (in accordance with the provisions of Article 5) and who follow the accounts @bornlivingyoga and @visit_costaricaes; and who must also be over 18 years of age (the "Participants

The Organizer shall not be held responsible for any false information that the Participants may reveal in the sweepstakes. However, the Organizer reserves the right to check the veracity of all personal data of the participants, including those relating to age, and if the Organizer detects that the holders of the personal data are under eighteen (18) years of age or that any person has participated in the Sweepstakes by providing false data, their participation will be considered void and they will be automatically excluded from the Sweepstakes, losing all rights to the prize awarded under the Sweepstakes. If, as a result of the above, the Organizer collects, due to ignorance of the real age of the Participant, personal data of minors under eighteen (18) years of age, it will immediately proceed to the deletion of the same without the possibility of recovery after verifying the identity and age of the Participant. The Organizer is not responsible for the use that minors may make of the devices or terminals used to surf the Internet.

Article 4. Duration of the Sweepstakes

The period of participation in the Sweepstakes will begin on September 23, 2024 and will end at 20:00 on September 29, 2024.

Article 5. Mechanics of the Sweepstakes

To participate in the Sweepstakes, Participants must complete the following steps:

  1. Be followers of the official BORN account on Instagram (@bornlivingyoga), as well as the Costa Rican Tourism Institute account (@visit_costaricaes).
  1. Comment on BORN's designated Instagram post by mentioning two additional Instagram accounts ("mention two friends

  • Like the Instagram post designated by BORN for the sweepstakes.

Each Participant may participate as many times as he/she considers, provided that each time he/she complies with all the requirements under these Rules; in any case, there will be only one (1) winner for each Prize.

The Organizer reserves the right to eliminate any participation, as long as at its sole discretion it may understand that fraudulent mechanics have been used in the participation.

Fraudulent mechanics" means the use of false accounts, the use of automated tools), among other practices that at the discretion of the Organizer may be considered contrary to good faith.

Article 6. Drawing and selection of the Winner

The resolution of the Sweepstakes will be carried out as follows:

  • Six of the Gift Cards will be randomly distributed, selecting one (1) winner each day at 20:00 from Monday, September 23, 2024 through Saturday, September 28, 2024, inclusive.
  • The remaining eight (8) Gift Cards will be randomly drawn on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, selecting one (1) winner each hour from 12:00 noon to 7:00 p.m., both days.
  • The Flights will be drawn on Sunday, September 29, 2024 at 20:00, with one (1) winner designated at the time the drawing closes.

The selection of the winners of the Prizes will be made in any case through an impartial and transparent drawing method, with one (1) winner being selected for each Prize in the Drawing (the "WinnerFirst AlternateSecond Alternate

The Winner of the Flights will be asked to optionally make statements for publication in any media or broadcast media designated by the Costa Rican Tourism Board ("ICT

Article 7. Award

The Prizes include, solely and exclusively

  • The Flights: round-trip airline ticket for the Winner of the Sweepstakes and one (1) companion who meets the requirements set forth in the Rules, with origin in Madrid (Spain) and destination Costa Rica, offered by the
  • The Gift Cards: fourteen (14) gift cards provided by BORN, with an amount of twenty-five euros (25€) each, which can be redeemed through the website with no time limit of use.

The following items are expressly excluded from the Prize, which must be paid in full by the Flight Winner and his/her companion:

  • Payment of additional baggage to the base fare for any of the flights.
  • Travel insurance for any of the travelers. It is recommended that the winner and his/her companion purchase travel insurance, being his/her responsibility the actual purchase or not of the same.
  • Transportation to the airport of departure and arrival.
  • Any taxes to be paid by the Flight Winner and his/her companion for the purpose of the trip other than those included in the cost of the airline tickets.
  • Proof of COVID-19 for their return (if required by the country of arrival at the time of travel).
  • The Winner and his/her companion shall be solely responsible for complying with all health, safety, security and immigration requirements of the authorities of the countries of origin or destination, including but not limited to quarantine requirements or vaccination certificates.
  • Any other expenses not indicated in this section, and other than the prize itself.

The Winner may freely determine the dates of the trip from the moment he/she is notified of the awarding of the Prize, and it shall be valid for a period of one (1) year from that moment. After such period, the Prize will be considered expired, and there will be no obligation to provide it to the Winner of the Flights.

The Flight Winner and his/her companion must travel together, both on the outbound and return trip. Additionally, both must be of legal age; as this prize is exclusively for adults, minors are not permitted as companions.

The Flight Winner and his/her companion must have a valid passport valid for more than 6 months from the date of return.

In any case, and for the purpose of designating travel dates, the following periods are blocked:

  • December 15, 2024 to March 31, 2025, inclusive.
  • Easter Week 2025 (April 13 to April 19, 2025, both inclusive).
  • From July 1 to August 31, 2025, both inclusive.

Once the tickets that make up the Prize have been issued, any changes or cancellations by the Flight Winner once the travel dates have been confirmed, which may involve the payment of additional amounts, will be at the Flight Winner's expense. Any adjustment or change (including a change of name on the companion's flight) that results in the imposition of any penalty shall be borne by the Flight Winner.

Neither BORN, Newlink Consulting & Communications, Spain S.A. nor ICT shall be liable for any loss or damage suffered (including, without limitation, loss of any items and/or direct and indirect damage) in connection with participation in the Prize Draw or the Prize, or for any loss arising from any third party's failure to comply with its obligations under the Rules or any other documents relating to the Prize Draw.

Neither BORN nor Newlink Consulting & Communications, Spain S.A. nor ICT shall be liable for any disruption, cancellation or delay in the flights provided by the airline, and the Winner and his/her companion must deal directly with the airline for any related incident.

None of the Prizes are transferable, and may not be exchanged for cash or any other service or product.

Article 8. Communication of the Winners

The Winners will be communicated through the Instagram account of @bornlivingyoga within a maximum period of twenty-four (24) hours from the completion of each Sweepstakes. Likewise, BORN will communicate to each Winner the receipt of the Prize within the same period via direct message.

Each Winner may respond via the same means by which he/she has been contacted, or to the telephone number and/or email expressly provided by BORN through Instagram.

If the contacted Winner does not respond to the Organizer's communications to expressly accept the Prize within five (5) calendar days from the date of the communication, he/she will automatically forfeit his/her prize, and BORN will contact the First Alternate through the same procedure. Similarly, if the First Alternate does not reply within the same five (5) calendar days, BORN will contact the Second Alternate following the same procedure.

If the Second Runner-Up does not reply to BORN within the five (5) calendar days, the Sweepstakes will be considered void.

Article 9. Prize Delivery

The Prizes will be sent to each Winner by e-mail to the e-mail address designated by each Winner.

Article 10. Processing of personal data

In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the Protection of Personal Data and Spanish regulations on data protection, the Organizer informs the Participants that the personal data provided by them when participating in the Sweepstakes will be processed by the Organizer for the purpose of managing their participation in the Sweepstakes and, in the event of being a Winner, for the delivery of the prize, as well as for sending or offering different services and products offered by the Organizer. The Participants' personal data will be kept for the period necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes, unless there is a legal obligation requiring their retention for a longer period. Participants may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, opposition and portability of their personal data, as well as revoke the consent given for their processing, by writing to the Organizer at the postal address indicated in Article 2 of these Bases or by e-mail to

In the event that the image and/or voice of the Winner is used for promotional purposes, BORN, ICT and Newlink Consulting & Communications, Spain S.A., based on the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the Protection of Personal Data and Spanish legislation on data protection and Organic Law 1/1982 of May 5, 1982, on the civil protection of the right to honor, personal and family privacy and self-image, will process the image and/or voice of the Winner for the sole purpose of promoting the Sweepstakes in their social networks and online media. The basis that legitimizes the processing of this personal data will be the prior express acceptance of the Winner. Your image will be processed for the periods required by the applicable regulations and as long as you do not revoke your consent. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, opposition and portability of your personal data, as well as revoke the consent given for processing, by writing to the following e-mail address:

Article 11. Acceptance of the Bases

Participation in the Sweepstakes implies full and unreserved acceptance of these Rules. The Organizer reserves the right to modify or cancel the Sweepstakes at any time, without prior notice for any reason whatsoever.

Article 12. Responsibilities

The Organizer intends that the Sweepstakes among the various Participants be conducted on an equal opportunity basis and in strict compliance with the rules of good faith. Therefore, any abusive or fraudulent use of these Rules will result in the consequent disqualification of the Participant.

The finding of any of these circumstances during the Sweepstakes will result in the automatic disqualification of the Participant, as well as the loss of the prize if awarded.

The Organizer reserves the right to take legal action against those persons who carry out any type of act that could be considered manipulation or falsification of the Draw.

Article 12. Jurisdiction

Any dispute that may arise in connection with these Rules shall be subject to Spanish common law and the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply, except when the Participant is considered a consumer under current legislation.