Detox shake for the return to the routine.
After the return of the holidays, which always cost us a little, we propose a super simple recipe to do and that will help us eliminate the fat that has accumulated over the Christmas
The best way to take detox shakes is in the morning, if we want to make more effect, being foods that are raw, our body will metabolize better early in the day. Because if we take them in the afternoon, the effect they do is that they will slow down our digestion, making it more expensive.
The good thing about detox shakes is that at this time of year we do not want the drinks to be very cold and they can be consumed at room temperature or not refrigerated.

We must not forget that these shakes should be taken as soon as they are made!

This detox shake of kiwi, spinach, green apple and ginger without milk, or lactose, will help us lose that fat that we have been accumulating throughout Christmas and lose weight, because it reduces the retention of fluids and toxins that are in our cells.
The ingredients that we will use are the following:
  • 60 grams of fresh spinach leaves
  • 1 green apple
  • 2 kiwis
  • juice of half a lemon or lime
  • 350 ml. Of any vegetable drink (oats, rice ...)
  • 1 piece of ginger to the taste of each one
  • Stevia, honey or whole cane sugar if we want to sweeten it a little more
Elaboration: the first thing we will do is peel the fruits and cut them into pieces. We will add everything to the glass of the blender together with the fresh spinach, the juice of half lemon or lime according to taste and a little stevia according to the taste, honey or sugar cane. After introducing all the elements beat for a period of 1 minute, until we see that it is well integrated.

The green shakes, as is the case of the one we have just shown, are composed of enzymes, vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that, in addition to helping us to detoxify our body, will help us to oxygenate the blood and will provide us with a high energy content