Le sport pour les femmes enceintes : quel type de sport ? quels sont les avantages ?

Is it possible to do sports while pregnant? Is it good for the mother and for the baby? What kind of sport can I practice? What recommendations should I take into account when training while pregnant? In this post we clarify all the doubts about the doubts that all pregnant women usually have when it comes to doing sports and following the recommended training routines to feel good and avoid possible risks.

Why you should exercise while pregnant: benefits

For pregnant women, excluding delicate pregnancies and sports with risk of bumps or falls, at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day of the week is recommended, if possible. According to medical studies, these are the most prominent benefits that ensure that it is good to maintain an exercise routine during the months of pregnancy:

  1. Helps control weight - Beyond aiming to lose weight, maintaining physical activity during pregnancy will help you control weight by preventing gestational diabetes, constipation, fluid retention, leg swelling and back pain.

  2. Improves your mood and energy - Playing sports increases your mood and energy, which gives you more self-esteem and a greater sense of general well-being.

  3. Strengthens the pelvic floor - Exercising during pregnancy prevents this area from losing tone, which prevents uterine prolapse - which is the displacement and descent of the organs -, lower back pain or urinary incontinence.

  4. It promotes muscle tone, strength and endurance - having stronger muscles will make childbirth easier and the ability to resist pain will play an important role.

What types of sports can you do while pregnant?

It will depend a lot on whether or not you have played sports before you were pregnant. It is advisable to visit your doctor to ensure a responsible practice of sport during these months of pregnancy. Among all the options that exist, according to studies, you must take into account that, being pregnant, you can not do risky sports that will affect your pregnancy.


If you are a person who has not practiced sports before pregnancy, do not think that you are not allowed to exercise. In this case it is advisable to take walks at a good pace of about thirty minutes. Swimming and water sports in general are also advisable. Both exercises provide moderate aerobic conditioning with minimal stress on the joints.

If, on the other hand, you are a woman who was already doing sports before becoming pregnant, you can continue with the same exercise routines, as long as you feel comfortable and your doctor recommends it. For example, if you used to go jogging, you can continue to go jogging, until you feel heavier at the end of your pregnancy, when it is recommended to modify the routine because you will have less balance due to the volume of the belly.

We recommend practicing yoga or pilates during pregnancy, as it will help you control your breathing and keep you relaxed and connected to yourself.


Whether you did sports before pregnancy or not, you should try to avoid all sports that involve discomfort, extreme fatigue or extra effort. Always consult your doctor for a more precise consultation.

Contact sports, such as ice sports, soccer or basketball, are not recommended. Sports with a high risk of falls such as skiing, skating, artistic/rhythmic gymnastics and horseback riding are not recommended. It is also not advisable to engage in activities that could cause water shock such as water skiing, surfing or scuba diving.

It is considered dangerous to practice activities at high altitudes, activities in which you could receive blows to the abdomen such as boxing or kickboxing.

Up to what period can you play sports?

Pregnancy usually lasts approximately 40 weeks. Provided that the pregnancy is going well and that there are no signs to the contrary, medical studies recommend starting to exercise from the 9th to 12th week, after the first perinatal visit, until the 38th-39th week of pregnancy.

Tips for doing sports during pregnancy

  1. Decrease the intensity if necessary - If you notice that the exercise you are doing is more difficult than usual or that you are not controlling your breathing during practice, one solution may be to decrease the intensity or time of the workout.

  2. Always wear comfortable clothing - To feel confident during your workout, we recommend that you always wear comfortable sportswear that allows you to perform your routine with maximum comfort and support. At Born Living Yoga we have sportswear for pregnant women: High support tops, with elasticity and extra soft fabric, that will allow you to move with total security. Seamless leggings, with high waist to below the chest for full coverage, without constricting the waist. The tummy part has great elasticity, allowing the fabric to stretch as your tummy grows, accompanying you throughout your pregnancy and even postpartum. If you're more of a sporty jumpsuit lover, this is a very comfortable option for pregnancy, as it covers your entire tummy and you don't have to worry about pulling up your legging or pulling down your top.

  1. Warm up and cool down - stretch your muscles during the warm up before starting your routine as well as stretching at the end of your workout to avoid injury.

  2. Always stay hydrated - staying hydrated during exercise is always important, but even more so if you are pregnant. We recommend drinking water regularly during your routine. At Born Living Yoga we have reusable water bottles that you can use every day and take with you wherever you go.