Top 8 easy Yoga postures for beginners

The world of yoga is fascinating. If you are thinking of getting started in it, we give you some tips that can be of great help before you become a real yogi.

The first thing you should know is that although it is not a discipline that requires great physical effort, it can bring you benefits very similar to sports that do require it, such as toning, increased muscle mass and good performance.

Yoga is very satisfying. You will see that as you progress, your body gains flexibility, your breathing becomes more conscious and your body adapts better to each practice; getting to do postures and twists that you never thought you were capable of.

On the other hand, it is considered a very sacrificial discipline that requires a lot of concentration. However, once mastered, you will discover each of the benefits it brings, such as stress management, among others.

How to start doing yoga as a beginner? Here we leave you a blog where we talk about how to get started in this world, tips and benefits of this discipline that we love so much.

Postures to get started in yoga

The first thing to keep in mind is that yoga is a very progressive practice. We will start with a few postures accessible to all body types and physical conditions, to gradually gain flexibility and control.

The best postures to get you started in yoga are these:

1. Tree pose: it is very good to start gaining flexibility. This posture consists of standing upright, feet should be fully aligned with your shoulders. Once you have found a comfortable posture, we must raise the leg to place the sole of the foot on the inside of the thigh, as high as possible or below the knee so that our legs make an angle of 90 °. To gain a better balance, we place our hands at chest height, join our palms together and keep our gaze on a fixed point.

2. Downward facing dog pose: we stand on the mat in a relaxed way, we begin to lower our back little by little until we try to touch our feet with our hands. When we see that we can no longer, we bend our knees and place our hands on the mat, then we begin to move forward with our hands to form a triangle with our body. We should try, as far as possible, to keep the soles of our hands and feet glued to the floor.

3. Cobra pose: we lie on our stomach, breathe consciously until we relax our body. Once this is achieved, we put our hands on the mat to sit up, so that the lower body remains supported and our chest raised.

4. Meditation posture: it may seem a very basic posture, but it will help us to achieve maximum concentration. We sit on the mat with our legs crossed and place our hands on our knees with the palms facing upwards. From this posture, we breathe in filling our lungs with air and breathe out releasing as much air as possible, we repeat this process several times until we notice how our body relaxes.

5. Child's pose: we sit on our heels and place our forehead on the floor. We place our hands extended on both sides of the body with the palms facing upwards. From this posture, we breathe deeply. You will notice how it extends your lumbar helping to release tensions in this area.

6. Seated pincer pose: we sit on the mat, extend our legs and try to touch the tips of our feet with our hands, without bending our back. If we do not reach our feet, we will go as far as we can. This posture is basic, but it can mark your progress in yoga. You will see that as you advance in this world, you will reach more flexibility until you can place your head on your legs, but... Patience! You will achieve it when your body is ready.

    The important thing is that you try to give your best while practicing these postures, and for this conscious breathing and concentration are important. We recommend you to practice yoga in spaces that help you to achieve this.