Milkshakes or Smoothies

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It will depend on your situation, lifestyle, type of food that you have taken ... So, since there are no equal magic formulas for everyone, it is going to touch you to know yourselves, to know what suits you, what suits you, what that your body needs, but also what your mind and emotions ask you in each moment. That is why we must have all available resources within the wide range that healthy eating offers us to make use of them according to each moment of our life, the season of the year in which we find ourselves, social and personal situation, emotional state ...

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The main difference between the two is that juices or smoothies are removed fiber, extracting the liquid of vegetables and fruits. The shakes together with water are crushed in the blender. Both have great benefits among which we can highlight:
  • We are taking lots of fruits and vegetables at once, so it will have a positive effect on our health, vitality, and mood, since we are giving our bodies vitamins and minerals, enzymes and antioxidants so that we can perform their functions correctly.
  • The nutrients are absorbed quickly and easily since the food is in the liquid state in the case of juices and crushed in the case of shakes.
  • It balances appetite and anxiety, since we are feeding our cells with their ideal fuel: carbohydrates or simple sugars, and also high in micronutrients.
  • Both will help us lose weight if we need it, although of course, this will also depend on how we feed in general, but just by changing a meal for a smoothie or shake, we are already making a big change and our body will notice it.
  • Increase in energy, since on the one hand we save a lot of effort in digestive processes, and on the other hand, nutrients pass very quickly to our blood.
  • Both are going to help the purification of our organism, favoring the elimination of toxins.
  • Physical benefits in skin, nails, hair ...
  • Sensation of emotional well-being.


  • They give much more game when making succulent creations, since we can combine several types of fruits, make layers of different flavors, enrich with superfoods, decorate with dried fruits, add vegetable milk, provide consistency with seeds or avocado or coconut, use Frosty fruit…
  • The fiber of fruits and vegetables makes us feel more of being full or full. The shakes are denser foods (although it will also depend on the ingredients we use)
  • Helps stabilize blood sugar levels
  • Fiber is very healthy and necessary to cleanse our digestive system, as it acts like a broom.
  • The shakes are quicker to make, and the blender is easier to clean.
  • Taking the same amount, the shakes have less nutrients, since both the water that we have added and the fiber, do not provide us with vitamins, minerals, enzymes or Phytonutrients.
  • There are certain foods that are not suitable for beating like carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, beet, turnip or celery because having too much fiber are very pasty and also give it a too bitter taste.milkshake fresa consejo Born dieta depurativo


  • More quantity of vegetables per serving. We can liquefy all kinds of vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, celery ... that we do not incorporate into our diet otherwise.
  • The nutrients are absorbed directly in the absence of fiber, and also what saves us all the energy of the digestive process.
  • They are more depurative: precisely, by not requiring digestion, our body can dispose of the liver and kidney to eliminate toxins.
  • By taking them in the morning, we allow our body to continue in the detoxification phase, it is a way to lengthen the nocturnal fast.
  • If we use a cold press blender, the nutrients and enzymes are better preserved than when they are beaten, since they do not undergo heat.
  • Deeper connection with ourselves, both due to the effects of the detox, as well as having more energy available.
  • Good blenders are expensive, harder to clean and take longer to prepare.
  • If we are accustomed to dense foods such as cereals, it will be harder for us to replace a meal with a liquid, as it is only liquid.
  • Fewer gastronomic possibilities
So our advice is that you drink both shakes and smoothies. Normally the shakes will serve us to take fruit, and the liquefied ones more amount of vegetables and nutrients, so we vary your recipes to make the most of the properties of all the foods that nature gives us. And always throw green leaf to both, especially the shakes and so make your delicious green smoothies, as they will make it regulate even more blood sugar levels to contain the fiber of the green leaf.
If you want to make a deeper detox, the juices are going to be our best ally, for really giving a break to our body, to be only drinking liquid and therefore not spend any energy in digestive processes. The duration of detox, will also depend on you, my recommendation is always to start small, replacing breakfasts for a while and then doing one day a week for example, and then continue with two or three.
We are also debugging if we drink milkshakes, but it will be less intense, as if we eat crude in solid form. It is not always the best option to take an excessively depurative diet, on the one hand because we can feel symptoms on a physical level and on the other because depending on how we are intoxicated, we can collapse elimination organs and reabsorb the toxins.

And emotionally, with the shakes we can satisfy our deepest cravings. Preparing desserts with sweet fruit such as banana or mango, giving flavor to chocolate (with cocoa or carob) to caramel with mesquite, making a mousse adding avocados, pudding with chia, with blackberries and berries, grated coconut ... Also if we play sports, or We have higher caloric needs, with shakes we can satisfy them much better.bayas azules consejo depurativo baya baya