Blueberry ice cream is a very simple recipe to make and also healthy. Only its elaboration will take us a period of 10 minutes plus what it takes to freeze.
This recipe is designed so that approximately 6 or 8 poles come out.
Because they are low-fat ice cream, this will cause them to be less creamy, as well as less meltable when in contact with the mouth and to form larger ice crystals.
The poles, in addition to being done quickly, is another way to take fruit if it costs us a bit this aspect. This is simply a model, but you can use the fruits you prefer or make fruit combinations.

Before making the blueberry ice cream the ingredients have to be very cold. It is not necessary that they are frozen, but if cold.

3 soy yogurts without sugars
100 grams of blueberries, preferably fresh
2 spoons of corn syrup, this is optional (I'll explain later because you can add corn syrup)


First of all in the blender we should put the soy yoghurts, the corn syrup (in case we use it) and the blueberries. We beat it for a period of 2-3 minutes until we see that a very creamy shake is formed and that it does not have large pieces, but rather a more or less homogeneous texture.

In the case of wanting to sweeten it, we can add corn syrup, if this is the case, we include it and beat it again.
To finish what we do is fill the pole molds with the mixture to the top
In order to avoid the lack of creaminess: we can add corn syrup that will prevent us from forming large ice crystals and it will be better than adding other sweeteners. Incorporating corn syrup is optional, because blueberry ice cream can be made without these ingredients, simply that it will come out less creamy and with more ice.

We can add fats, to get a better texture. We will add fat either through the coconut cream or through the vegetable cream to assemble, it not only adds fat, but it will give us a creamier texture.